Viewing Room Insurance Form

Location: 10405 Shady Trail Ste. #100, Dallas, TX 75220


PLEASE NOTE: All services are subject to Artemis Fine Art Service’s Terms and Conditions which is available on request or at URL This estimate is only for services listed above and does not include insurance, duties, taxes or work done outside business hours unless where otherwise stated. All pricing is based on current rates and tariffs and may be revised upon date of booking. Additional charges may apply if Artemis Fine Art Services encounters delays. This estimate is based on labor billed at an hourly rate. Costs are representative of information supplied, and may be affected by details not presented at the time of this estimate. Specific instructions for (de)installation or loading / unloading logistics may also increase costs.

Declared value and limit of liability for loss or damage will apply. At the Client’s Request Artemis Fine Art Services will arrange for Insurance, which will incur an additional charge, pursuant to our schedule of charges, to be furnished at the client's request. Artemis Fine Art Services shall not be liable for any claim in excess of $0.60 (sixty cents) per pound, per article, when in transit or in storage, whether the result of loss, damage, delay, non-delivery, misdelivery or misinformation, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, and document your actual loss in accordance with the claim filing rules required by Artemis Fine Art Service’s Terms and Conditions. Your right to recover for any loss does not include damages for intrinsic value of the package, loss of sales, interest, profit, attorney’s fees, costs, and other forms of damage, whether per pound or per article. Damage cannot exceed actual documented loss.

In the event that you decide not to have an Artemis Fine Art Handler present for the viewing Artemis Fine Art Services will not be held liable for any damage or loss or other event affecting the object(s) during the viewing. All object(s) unpacked, packed and/or installed by Artemis Fine Art Services in viewing rooms will be photographed at completion of the installation prior to the viewing and again on completion of the viewing prior to de-installation. Photographs will be retained in a confidential file with viewing room documentation.

PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS: Viewing charges may be billed to an existing account in good standing with Artemis Fine Art Services upon approval by our Accounting Department. Otherwise, prepayment must be made in full via credit card, wire transfer or check prior to viewing date. Invoice for services will be addressed to the client name listed on the Viewing Room Reservation Form, unless client provides at time of booking an alternate billing address in writing. An administrative charge will be applied for each invoice re-billed following issuance of our original invoice.

If you prefer to upload files and submit your request via email, send to